Vincenzo Calli - FB


The Italian painter Vincenzo Calli lives and works in his studio near Anghiari, a medieval hilltown dominating the upper Tiber Valley of Tuscany.
He obtained his diploma from Sansepolcro's Institute of Art, and continued his artistic training at the Academy of Belle Arts in Florence. He held his first public exhibition at the age of 21. In 1984, he was introduced in America and to worldwide galleries through an invitation to exhibit at the World Exhibitions in New Orleans, Louisiana. He received favorable recognition from the critics and won a prize from "Art 86," organized by the magazine "Mondatori for Art." As a result, he was invited to show his work at the important gallery of Il Parametro, and in Milan at Salomon e Augostoni Algranti Gallery. 1993: Gallery owner Michel Douberville, after having seen Calli's work and admired his technique, invited him to exhibit at the historic Gallery of Art Bernheim-Jeune in Paris where some of the greatest painters of the past have been featured, including Renoir, Cezanne, Van Gogh and Modigliani. Mr. Calli's exhibition catalogue had a foreword by the French critic Roger Bouillot and the writer Alberto Bevilacqua. 1997: The province of Florence sponsored a one-man-show with the title "messaggi anomali" (Anonymous Messages) at the Palazzo Pinucci, organised by the Galleria Vialarga. He also returned to the United States with a one-man-show at the Camino Real Gallery, Boca Raton, Florida. The catalogue was introduced by William Biety. 1999: Returning to Italy, Mr. Calli had an exhibition in the former home of Piero Della Francesca in Sansepolcro, with the title "From the Mind to the Heart," catalogue foreword by Augusta Monferini. Recently, the artist has exhibited in Italy, the United States, Canada and Great Britain. In 2000, his paintings were shown respectively in the Camino Real Gallery, Florida, and in London at Albemarble Gallery and Belgravia Gallery. 2001: Exhibition at Pallazzo Casali in Cortona, Tuscany, with the title "Mediterranean Emotions," catalogue by John T. Spike. 2004: Exibition at Palazzo Inghirami, Sansepolcro, Tuscany, with the catalog edited by Vittorio Sgarbi. 2005: Exhibition il Palagio di parte Guelfa, organised by the council of Florence. The exhibition was presented by the alderman Eugenio Giani, Firenze. Also in 2005, Mr. Calli was invited to Naples for an exhibit at the council villa Casina Pompeiana, with an opening by the Mayor Rosa Russo Iervolino. 2007: The artist was recognized in his hometown of Anghiari, Tuscany, with an exhibition at the historic Taglieschi Museum, entitled "Ab-Ovo Essenze Sospese." The exhibition was opened with an introduction of the artist and his work by the museum's curator, Paola Refice. 2008: Exhibition at Monumental complex Santa Caterina Final, Borgo Finale Ligure in Genova. 2009: Mr. Calli was invited to exhibit at the Art Gallery of Calgary in Calgary, Canada with the cooperation of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada. The exhibit was titled "Sospesi tra cielo e terra" (Suspended between heaven and earth). In the same year, the "Loch Gallery" of Toronto, Canada, sponsored a one-man-show at the "Toronto International Art Fair". 2010: An exhibition was held at the Honour Hall of the Province of Arezzo, Tuscany. The exhibit was entitled "Percorsi interiori" (Inner Introspection), and was presented by Liletta Fornasari. Mr. Calli also had a 2010 exhibit at the Yacht Club in Porto Rotondo, Oristano, Sardegna. 2011: "Meaning Transcends Image" - Dante Alighieri's House/Museum - Fine Art Society-Florence. Exhibition at Montalcino Castello, Siena. 2012: An exhibition with the title of "Forme e profumii toscani" (Form and scents of Tuscany) was held at Galleria Villicana D'Annibale in Arezzo, and he participated in a group showing at the Nuart Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. In 2013 was commissioned to the artist the calendar 2014 of Banca Etruria Arezzo "Terre d'incanto" with six works.  The exposition was on the Foundation Ivan Bruschi Museum of Arezzo. in 2014 he exhibited  "Istinto Primordiale" at Palazzo Inghirami Sansepolcro Arezzo. in the same year he was in the Nuart Gallery in Santa Fe USA. Mr. Calli's paintings are in personal collections throughout the world, and in the permanent gallery collections of the Albemarble Gallery, London, the Fornera Gallery, Marbella, Spain, and Nuart Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

"Ultimi giorni d'estate"
(Last days of summer)

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"Laguna al tramonto"
(Lagoon at sunset)

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