Giovanni Ronzoni - FB

«The project involves a circular space on the stalls of about 9 meters in diameter, where 12 "boulders" will be placed showing 12 poems by 12 poetesses. They will be composed volumetrically with white wrapping paper of about 150 x 100 cm. cad., written by me by hand in red, and positioned in a circular way, as if they were hours that mark the "time". In the centrality, connective / visual nucleus and fifth dialoguing with the "boulders", will be placed one of my works entitled "the wood of innocences" (270 x 300 x 60 cm). This artifact is composed of various wood essences with 100 trunks / branches with a radius of 5/6 cm, contaminated with shiny blood red paint, leaving it percolating at the upper ends. A sort of reference to the "violence" against forest and forest disfigurements in the world, an ineluctable heritage of humanity. They will be allocated on special ferrous bases and subsequently covered, for the area concerned, by ashes and pitch black.

On October 23, the day of the inauguration, the site- specific installation will be the subject of a "performative" moment, where 12 poetesses, dressed in a white "fleece" with a "tear" at the mouth, and barefoot, slowly walking in a group, they will each stand stable at the foot of each "boulder" with their respective Lyric written, placing themselves in a circle, like a sort of "talking menhir" witnesses of the "written" verb. Positioned, after a brief moment of silence, to catch the attention of the "users", they will begin to recite, at the touch of a Tibetan bell, rhythmically following their lyrics. Always distance yourself between one and the other by a moment of "breathing". At the end of the verb, standing silently and motionless, they will wait about 1 minute, before composing themselves, and returning from where they came from.»

Giovanni Ronzoni was born on December 5, 1952 in Lissone (MB), he graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano. In 1980 he founded his atelier of architecture by detecting and philologically recovering an old industrial warehouse.
He has signed numerous projects, residential, commercial, public and in design. His recognizable minimalist sign, always provocative and tending to poetics and essentiality, translates into the creation of spaces designed for subtraction and silence.
His multifaceted personality and inexhaustible creativity leads him over the years to develop more and more his artistic side and to approach other disciplines such as graphics, photography, painting, sculpture, finally poetry and visual poetry. Giovanni Ronzoni uses the various expressive languages and bends them to his will, always experimenting with new artistic research, in which all these languages become synthesis to give shape and voice to his thought.
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