Paolo Penko - FB

Paolo Penko

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Paolo Penko, owner of the Penko Bottega Orafa, is a Master Goldsmith, designer and sculptor. He creates and realises artistic artefacts in precious metals. Some of his most significant works have become part of the Bargello collection and the Treasure of the Grand Dukes in Palazzo Pitti. He has created precious historical artefacts such as the jewellery of the Medici Oreria Medicea exhibited in Palazzo Medici Riccardi and Palazzo Vecchio. Founder and teacher of the Sacred Art School in Florence, he creates sacred works for the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and for numerous Florentine basilicas and churches.
He is an Honorary Academician at the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno and President of the Goldsmiths' Category of Confartigianato Firenze. He has been honoured with the Golden Florin of the city of Florence for making his 'bottega' a forge of art, culture and traditions.
