Mario Pachioli - FB

Mario Pachioli

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Mario Pachioli was born on 29 December 1948 in Vasto, where he graduated from the State Art Institute in 1969. In 1970, he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, graduating in 1973 under the guidance of Prof. Antonio Berti. His encounter with refractory - the artist's favourite material - revolutionised his relationship with the material. Its characteristics of strength and ductility won him over, subjugating him to practically continuous learning and refinement.
The possibility of translating a finished work into bronze, splitting it into two distinct units that are identical and at the same time different in the rendering of surfaces and colour tones, enthuses him.
Moving towards a happy figurative world, he distinguishes himself in solo and group exhibitions on a national and international level. 
Creator of the 'Lorenzo il Magnifico' award medal of the Florence Biennale, he has been a member of the International Jury since 2021.
