Video Interviste 2023 - FB
Selettore lingua
18 - 26 OTTOBRE, 2025
Fortezza da Basso
Viale Filippo Strozzi 1, Firenze FI
Apertura al pubblico sabato 18Ore 14
Apertura segreteria organizzativa:
- Dal Lunedì al Venerdì09:00 – 17:00
- Sabato e DomenicaChiuso
Video Interviste
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Yoana Chepisheva | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Artist
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Elli&Rini | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Designer
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Enrique Galdos Rivas | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Guest of Honour
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Mati Gelman | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Artist
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Judy Hooymeyer | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Artist
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Mockinbird Studio | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Designer
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Kamil Mullashev | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Artist
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Mario Negro (Judeblackphotography) | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Artist
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Rebie Ramoso | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Artist
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Aleksandra Vali | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Artist
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Reza Sedghi | XIV Florence Biennale 2023 | Participating Artist
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